Best Treadmill Workout Videos
27 April 2022
This article will showcase the best treadmill workout videos we’ve encountered on the web. These workouts will follow certain structures, meaning you’ll need to adjust the settings on the treadmill as you follow along. By doing this, you’ll gear your workout towards yielding specific results.
Read MoreUpright Bike Training Guide
21 March 2022
Exercise bikes are an extremely efficient piece of kit, capable of far more than a decent warm-up to a dumbbell workout. In this article we cover everything from how to set one up to the types of workout progammes you're likely to encounter. We also cover a range of upright exercise bike workouts for specifc goals and time frames.
Read MoreRunning Injuries: How To Avoid And Treat Shin Splints
21 February 2022
This article will focus on how you can avoid contracting one of the most common running injuries, shin splints (medial tibial stress syndrome) as well as how to treat them. Use the following tips and tricks to stay ahead of the game.
Read MoreRunning Essentials: Hydration and Electrolytes
17 February 2022
Water. It hydrates us, makes up 50% - 60% of your body weight, flushes out all the bad toxins and provides your body with precious minerals. Hydration is a crucial aspect to how our body functions, especially during exercise - this article focuses on how hydration impacts our running performance.
Read MoreThe Benefits of Interval Training
20 January 2022
In this article, we’ll put the benefits of interval training under the microscope, and share our top interval training exercises with you. Interval training is a highly effective tool for increasing running performance over long and short distances.
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