Best Dumbbell Workout Videos

Beyond building muscle, dumbbell workouts burn a lot of calories, improve flexibility, build stronger bones and improve your cardiovascular health. With this in mind, we have scoured the internet to find a selection of the best dumbbell workout videos to help you reach your fitness goals.

These follow-along dumbbell workouts not only provide great motivation and structure but they can also be great fun too. Each of these workout videos can be found on Youtube.

Beginner Full-Body Dumbbell Workout

30 minutes

HASfit Video

Zottman Curl

Push Up

For this workout, it’s recommended to have both a lightweight and heavyweight pair of dumbbells. A good way to find your lighter weight is to test what you can lift for 20 reps without difficulty. To test which dumbbells you classify as heavy, test what you can only lift for 6 - 8 reps before you become fatigued.

There are two trainers in this video. One which does the standard movement and another that does an easier variation. This makes it one of the best dumbbell workout videos for beginners.

Best Dumbbell Workout Video for weight loss

27 minutes


Goblet Squat

Dumbbell Man Maker

This dumbbell workout has 9 exercises that are performed in tri-sets. A tri-set is when you do 3 different exercises back to back with no break. This non-stop method burns numerous calories, making this video the best dumbbell workout for weight loss. You will need to do 4 sets of each tri-set. Once you’ve done 4, you will move on to the next 4 sets of tri-sets which will encompass the next three dumbbell exercises and then once more.

You must do as many reps within a 30-second time frame as possible, then take a 15-second break in between exercises. It's recommended that you have a heavier and lighter pair of dumbbells for this workout.

Advanced Full-Body Dumbbell Workout

30 minutes

Juice and Toya Video

Side Plank Hold

Skull Crushers

In this workout, there are 20 different dumbbell exercises to cover. As this is an advanced workout, there are certain modifications you can make to bridge the gap in skill level - like just by using 1 dumbbell. There are 5 sets in total, you’ll spend 60 seconds on each exercise with a 20 second rest period in between. As this exercise is a strength and conditioning workout, remember to have steady and controlled movements.

Best Dumbbell Workout Video for your arms

30 minutes

Tiff x Dan Video

Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Lateral Raises

This workout focuses solely on total arm development, with exercises for the biceps, triceps and deltoids. Ensure you have a heavier pair and a lighter pair of dumbbells ready for this workout. You will be doing each exercise for 40 seconds with 20 seconds of rest in between movements. For the best results attempt this workout at least twice a week but have 1-2 days of rest in between.

Best Dumbbell Workout Video for your Legs

30 minutes


Depth Squat

Lateral Lunge

This is the best dumbbell workout for the strength and conditioning of your legs. You will be executing 9 different exercises in tri-sets, there will be 4 sets of each tri-set. You will also have a burnout set at the end. Burnout sets are when you do the reps until exhaustion. You will be doing 30 seconds of each exercise with 15-second breaks in between. You will also have a series of 30-second breaks in between each set.

Try to stretch each leg muscle before the start of this workout to prevent injury. You’ll need one heavy dumbbell and one lighter one for this workout.

Best Dumbbell Workout Video for your abs

10 minutes

Caroline Girvan Video

Leg Lowers

Upwards Facing Dog

For this workout, all you will need is 1 dumbbell and 1 mat. The weight of the dumbbell is also your choice, but for reference, the trainer in the video is using an 8kg dumbbell. Keep that weight at the minimum and go up in weight if you need to. You will be doing each set for 40 seconds with 20 seconds of rest in between. We recommend you do this workout at least 3 times a week for maximum results, its short length makes it a good accompaniment to another workout.

Best Dumbbell Workout Video for your Chest

20 minutes

HASfit Video

Dumbbell Flys

Assisted Push Up

This workout requires a pair of lightweight and heavyweight dumbbells. You may either use a bench, an exercise ball or a floor mat for this workout. This workout is split into 5 different sections. Some sections contain multiple sets of one exercise and others contain supersets, which is where you do two different exercises back to back for a set. For the sake of balance, some sets will also lower in reps required as you advance. For the best results do this at least twice a week.

Best Dumbbell Workout Video for your Back

10 minutes

Coach Tony Gonzalez Video

Reverse Single Arm Rows

Dumbbell Pullovers

This workout targets every area of your back and will only require one dumbbell. This workout is structured to have 30 seconds of work and 30 seconds of rest. The appropriate weight will be the one that you can use effectively within that time frame. You will only need 1 dumbbell and 1 mat for this workout. This workout's simplicity, combined with its efficiency in total back development makes it the best dumbbell workout for your back.